Endomondo Cycling Workout: "was out cycling 41.89 km in 1h:38m:39s using Endomondo."
Solo Ride. This ride started out cool(12c) but as i got riding, i slowly warmed up. Winter Jacket, SS Jersey, bib knicks, summer socks, short fingered gloves.
Overall had a great ride, with the legs feeling pretty good two days after my first run (5km) in two months. This ride is pretty much all highway except for a few kilometers with traffic not being too busy and no close encounters. This route encounters one hill that is 8% grade for a short distance and then continues up hill for a few more kilometers. Also included on this route are some awesome descents (Max Speed 62 kph), rolling hills and a long flat stretch perfect for Tempo work.
DST= 42.227 km
MXS= 61.6 kph
AVS= 25.7kph
TM= 1 hr 38.39
AVG = 149 bpm
Max = 178 bpm